Advanced Button Accordion Lessons

What’s entailed

The tune difficulty for the advanced button accordion lessons will be a higher level. The tunes are carefully selected so that a learner will reach a very high standard. Mastering a highly difficult tune draws it’s own demands. Making them into a well presented and pleasant pieces of music brings on more demands. Control of the instrument will be the basic for the user on the road on how to play button accordion. Bellows control will be mentioned throughout.


What will I learn from the Advanced Button Accordion Lessons

Advanced Button Accordion Lessons will teach you ornamentation which brings a lot of colour to traditional irish music, so there will be new tricks shown to a subscriber. Ornamentation taken from other instruments or influenced by other instruments will be shown to a subscriber.

Variations within tunes then bring along even more colour. I will show you variations within these tunes but also show you how I came up with variations – I hope that you will be able to implement your own variations in your playing once you have completed this course.

Again, there will be a wide ranging amount of tune types available on the site so the repertoire should be challenging to a subscriber and I hope that even an experienced musician will have added to their repertoire on completion the course.

Part of the Advanced Button Accordion Lessons will be to develop your style and style development will be inherent to the aims of the course, I am not in the business of telling a musician how to play, I want this to be developed for yourself.

But to whet your appetite, why not try the improver course, this is quite a high standard of playing (especially over the last 15 to 10 lessons). It is highly recommended that a subscriber at least browses through the improver course before delving into a lesson here. A subscription allows a subscriber to roam about the courses that are available, so please use this flexibility.

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Looking forward to hearing from you!
